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Ayurveda is an ancient philosophy of health and medicine that originates from the Indian subcontinent. The name ‘Ayurveda’ consists of two words from the Sanskrit language: Ayur meaning ‘life’ and Veda meaning ‘knowledge’. Ayurveda, or ‘the knowledge of life’, emphasizes harmony of body, mind and spirit.

Basic Philosophy


A central concept of Ayurvedic medicine is the Tri-dosha theory. The three doshas derive from the Five Elements (earth, water, fire, air and space) and their related properties. Vata is composed of space and air, Pitta of fire and water, and Kapha of earth and water. The doshas express patterns of physical, emotional, and mental characteristics. Everyone embodies all three doshas but usually one or two types dominate each of us.


Health exists when our doshas are balanced. When one dosha becomes aggravated, such as due to stress, an imbalance may occur resulting in changed physical and mental health. The objective of Ayurvedic treatments is to bring our doshas into equilibrium. This is achieved through daily treatments, including massages, a diet designed for each dosha-type, as well as meditation and Yoga.


What’s my Dosha?


Our Ayurveda physician will identity your dominant dosha(s) during the first consultation.







Vata derives from the elements of space and air. Physiologically, it is responsible for all movements of the body such as breathing, nerve impulses, movements in the muscles and tissues, circulation, elimination, urination, and menstruation. Psychologically, Vata governs communication, creativity, flexibility, and quickness of thought. If Vata is aggravated, you may experience nervousness, insomnia, dry skin and constipation.


Pitta derives from the elements of fire and water. Physiologically, it is responsible for digestion and metabolic processes such as the carrying of organic acids, hormones, enzymes, and bile. Psychologically, Pitta governs joy, courage, willpower, anger, jealousy, as well as mental perception and intellect. If Pitta is aggravated, you may experience inflammation, rashes, ulcers, indigestion and heartburn, and fever.


Kapha derives from the elements of water and earth. Physiologically, Kapha is responsible for the fluid balance in the cells, bodily fluids such as water, mucuous and lymph and the skeletal structure. Psychologically, Kapha governs love, patience, forgiveness, greed, attachment, and mental inertia. If Kapha is aggravated, you may experience obesity, colds, asthma, kidney stones, apathy and fatigue.


Undernath is great video about Ayurveda - The Keys To Your Individual Nature |

by The House Of Yoga,


In this talk, Tory Hyndman introduces us to the principles of Ayurveda, in which we can learn to recognise our own, individual ‘nature’ or ‘constitution’.


















Click here to read more about Tory Hyndman 




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